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Saturday, December 17, 2016

National Institute for Locomotor Disabilities

                               National Institute for Locomotor Disabilities  2017

Name of postAsst Professor, Resident MO, Lecturer, Physiotherapist, Demonstrator

No of post: 8 posts

Age limit: 35 years to 40 years

Qualification:Assistant Professor (Orthopaedic) ->

(1) M.S. (Orthopaedics) or Diplomate National Board (Orthopaedics).
(2) Three years teaching experience in the subject in a recognized medical college as Resident/ Registrar/ Demonstrator/ Tutor.
(3) Deputation- Deputation Officers of the Central/ State Govt./ Autonomous bodies. Holding analogous posts on regular basis (OR) With five years regular services in the PB-3 G.P. ₹ 5400/- or equivalent in a recognized Institution/College/University.

Assistant Professor (Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation) ->(1) M.D.(P.M.R)/M.D.(Medicine) with Diploma in PMR/M.S.(General Surgery)/ M.S.(Orthopaedics) with two years special training in the Speciality of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Medicine) or two years of equivalent training approved in the subject in any approved institution in India.
(2) Experience – Three years teaching experience in the subject in a  recognized Institute as Resident/ Registrar/Demonstrator/ Tutor/RMO.
(3) Deputation – Deputation Officers of the Central / State Govt. / Autonomous bodies. Holding analogous posts on regular basis OR With five years regular services in the grade of RMO in the PB-3 G.P. ₹ 5400/-or equivalent in a recognized Institution/ College/ University.

Resident Medical Officer ->

(1) MBBS from any recognized University.
(2) Experience in Anesthesiology/ Orthopedics/ Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation / Psychiatry.

Lecturer (Physiotherapy) ->

(1) Degree in Physiotherapy, Post Graduate degree in Physiotherapy (with atleast 55% marks  Or an equivalent Grade in a point scale wherever Grading System is followed) from a recognized University.
(2) Experience- 03 years teaching experience as Lecturer in recognized Institution / College / University in a post with pay scale of ₹ 9300-34800, GP ₹ 4600/-. Desirable: – Ph.D. in the relevant field.
(3) Deputation – From among the working Lecturer in Physiotherapy in the same scale of pay ₹ 15,600-39,100/- Grade Pay ₹ 5400/- having 02 years of service. OR Sr. Physiotherapist-cum-Jr. Lecturer with 04 years service in the pay scale of ₹ 9300-34800/- GP ₹ 4600/- Or Demonstrator (Physiotherapy) having 08 years of service in the pay scale of ₹  ₹ 9300-34800/- GP ₹ 4200/- in a recognized Institution / College / University in Physiotherapy.

Physiotherapist ->

(1) Degree in Physiotherapy from a recognized University / Institute. Experience: – Two years experience in the profession in a recognized institution/College/University. (2) Desirable – Master in Physiotherapy
(3) Deputation – Deputation Officers of the Central/ State Govt./Autonomous bodies. Holding analogous posts on regular.

Demonstrator (Orthotics) ->

(1) Degree in Prosthetics & Orthotics from a recognized Institute.
(2) Experience- 03 years experience as Prosthetist and Orthotist in a recognized institution/ College/ University.
(3) Desirable – Master in Prosthetics & Orthotics.
(4) Deputation – Deputation Officers of the Central/ State Govt./Autonomous bodies. Holding analogous posts on regular basis OR with six years regular services in the grade of Junior Prosthetist & Orthotist in a recognized Institution/ College/ University.

How to apply:The Applications duly completed in all respects and signed by the candidates in the prescribed format along with self attested photocopies of relevant enclosures and other testimonials in respect of qualifications, age proof, category, experience, salary drawn, etc. should reach to the Director, National Institute for Locomotor Disabilities (Divyangjan), B.T. Road, Bon-Hooghly, Kolkata-700090 within 21 days from the date of publication of the advertisement in the Employment News dated 17th – 23rd December 2916 Issue (i.e. last date will be 06/01/2017).

Last date: 21 days

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